“Preserve Our Parks” Thanks Supporters
All Across Delaware
Thank you, Delaware, particularly residents of Lewes and Sussex County! We urged you to turn out for the public meeting with DNREC on December 5 and hundreds of you answered the call. That was the culmination of a whirlwind three months when countless members of the community contributed their time, talents, and money—often day and night—towards achieving a common goal. Your dedication was inspiring, your support was uplifting, and your efforts made a difference.
Speaker after speaker explained what the park meant to them and why the bar/restaurant proposal would damage that connection. Some were humorous, some brought props. Some were transplants to the area and some were Sussex-born. Virtually all were united in their opposition to the project.
We also thank DNREC, specifically the Division of Parks and Recreation, and La Vida Hospitality Group for withdrawing a proposal that however well-intended was seriously flawed. Thanks for hearing our message: We ask that you listen to our views as you consider the park’s future. Find ways to tap the deep and abiding passion we have for our remarkable park. People all across Delaware were inspired to work together for the greater good of their community and state.
Preserve Our Park is committed to preserving the incredible natural treasure bequeathed to us from William Penn through the Warner Grant. We will continue to work with both elected and appointed public officials to seek solutions that remain true to the park’s original vision: striking a harmonious balance among public recreation, conservation, and nature education.
The park needs improved food service, more restrooms, and updated utilities. To deliver these, we need to find additional funding sources. Solving these problems is a shared challenge. As the community has demonstrated, it is ready to help.
Now we put our heads together to create a positive outcome—more revenue to meet the park’s legitimate needs. The southern Delaware community has enormously talented residents with skills that can successfully complete this task. Preserve Our Park will help mobilize these public resources while maintaining the character of our park.
Preserve Our Park Coalition