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Preserve Our Park promotes environmental conservation for Delaware's Cape Henlopen State Park.
Warner Grant Trust Lands


Delaware law protects the treasured natural resources of Cape Henlopen State Park as set down in the William Penn grant in 1682 and later clarified by the Delaware General Assembly in the Warner Grant amendment in 1979.   The Warner Grant Trust Lands are administered by the Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control for the benefit of the people of Lewes, Sussex County and State of Delaware for the public benefit as areas of public recreation, conservation and/or nature education and are not be used for private benefit.

1979 Survey
of the Grant
Preserve Our Park promotes environmental conservation for Delaware's Cape Henlopen State Park.
Interpretation of the Grant

Upon the petition of Edward Warner the court grant unto him the land of the Cap Commonly called Cape Henlopen Lying on the north east side of the creek formerly called the whorehill to make a Coney warrin on and Liberty to build a House and seat A Warriner upon the said land upon Condition that the Timber and feed of the said land, and marshes thereunto Belonging be and forever hereafter Lye in Common for the use of the Inhabitants of the Town of Lewis and County of Sussex, as also free Liberty for any or all of the Inhabitants

of the said County to fish get and take care of there Oyster & Cockle shells and gather _________ Cranberiys and Huckelbureys on the said land as they shall think fith always provided that no person whatsoever shall not hunt or kill any rabbits or hares on the said land without the Leave and consent of him the said Edward Warner - his executors, administrators or assignees. 

Preserve Our Park promotes environmental conservation for Delaware's Cape Henlopen State Park.
State Park
the Years​​
18th Century Ship, HMS DeBraak
Stored at Cape Henlopen State Park
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